Oakford Firewood and Mulch

Firewood Delivery Perth | Oakford Firewood and Mulch

Mix Wood

Mixture of Tuart, Marri, Yarri, Jarrah and Wondoo

1 Bin Firebox size = $370

1 Bin Ready to Use size = $420

Note – For every tonne ordered for delivery we supply 1 bin (which is the industry standard) at the above prices. Price includes cost of wood and GST.

1 bin = 2 1/2 standard trailer loads. Weight range factor depending on moisture and density = 0.8 tonnes to 1.1 tonnes. We supply 1 bin (loosely loaded) regardless of weight but guarantee 2 1/2 standard trailer loads (loosely loaded) minimum. One bin of seasoned wood is surely better than one bin of heavy unseasoned green wood and of course the amount or volume of wood is the same irrespective of weight.

We are not common carriers. Our responsibility ends at your boundry but all care is taken, we enter your property at your risk.
For the very finest in firewood in Perth, delivery or pickup, look no further than Oakford Firewood and Mulch.

All of our firewood is sustainably sourced in an environmentally responsible way. We use only logs from regrowth areas, and never purchase logs from old growth forests. We are committed to sustainability in this industry, and are contracted to the Forest Products Commission. Our prices are extremely competitive as we use no middle men, and we use large trucks for safe and efficient handling of our product.

Oakford Firewood and Mulch is proud to contribute to royalties and other costs which ensure that, unlike gas, forest products are a renewable resource.

We supply one bin of firewood per tonne ordered for delivery (this is the industry standard). This equates to two and a half trailer loads. GST is included in the price quoted. Actual weight ranges depending upon moisture content and density of the wood; our wood is seasoned jarrah and we always supply the same amount and volume of wood irrespective of actual weight.